Access Our Secure Site

Always access the official website at or


Purchase Securely on Global Poker

Only buy directly from Avoid sites with poor spelling and grammar.


Avoid Phishing Scams

We will never ask for your banking information via an email, Facebook message or text message.


Use Official Channels Only

If a Customer Service agent tries to contact you outside of our official channels, ignore it. We will only ever contact you via our official accounts—FacebookTwitterInstagram and Twitch.


Ask Our Team

Unsure about a message or promotion you’ve received? Log in to and reach out to our Customer Service team directly.


Practice Good Password Security

Create a password at least 12 characters long using a combination of letters, numbers, and symbols.


Keep Your Password to Yourself

Never share your password with anyone. It’s for your eyes only. We will never ask you for it on any platform.


Stay safe. Follow these tips and your Global Poker account will always be secure.